
Cover: Jones' Unique and Queer Jobs Enterprise by Brooke Daley

The Jones' Unique and Queer Jobs Enterprise is not the place you'd go to get gutters cleaned or your clockwork repaired; rather a place to ask the adolescent employees to help with more diabolical schemes that include-- but in no way are limited to-- thievery, kidnapping and "returning" objects to the "rightful owner." Peter and Henry Jones have successfully been running their less then immaculate business for some time now. Between keeping the business, recruiting lost boys, and staying away from the police's watchful eye the two boys barely have any time for personal matters anymore. However when young and royal Victoria runs away, the Jones' Enterprise gets an unexpected customer, the royal guard in a desperate and surprising attempt at keeping this little job a secret. The offer of wealth is too much for the Enterprise to give up, but the young criminals discover that perhaps this job was much larger then even they realized.

Jones' Unique and Queer Jobs Enterprise for hundtel on NaNoWriMo YWP.

Please copy and paste the following attribution into the piece description!

Attribution: Cover design by Starflower Hunting. Stock image courtesy of ~mevica on deviantART (http://mevica.deviantart.com/).

Attribution: Cover design by Starflower Hunting. Stock image courtesy of *CAStock on deviantART.