
Cover: Gone by Kyla Letteer

Autumn turned 17 a couple months back, and the memories of her mother are pounding in her head, demanding attention. Now it is time for her to 'choose' a job and leave her dad and younger sister forever. With her mom and baby brother long dead in a car accident and her older brother having killed himself, she has the responsibility of her family, but will she be sent away? Her sister, only 14, still can't take the responsibility. Her dad is mourning the loss of family from years ago, and Autumn? Well, Autumn has many problems to deal with. What will become of her family? Will she have to leave forever, with one last goodbye to keep the good memories safe?

For Gone by Kyla Letteer (

Attribution: Cover design by Starflower Hunting. Image used by request of the author.

Here's your sig to go with it while I'm here:

The background is a solid beige, which I'm pretty sure is impossible to copyright. Credit for the sig is appreciated.