
Cover: Touch by Ariana

The blue sky of Earth was one of my most favorite places to fly. It was only on Earth that I could truly be free, and it was the unlimited sky which helped me express that freedom. The visible mass of water droplets that suspend in the atmosphere, my apologies, clouds, were amusing and fun to dive through. Tamaran does not have clouds and I could still remember the first taste of pristine water of my first cloud.

I did not have the freedom to do that on Tamaran. To dive and play in clouds and skim along the top of the water so close I could feel its spray against my face. If I wanted to fly, Galfore would have to accompany me, along with a regiment of protective guards. I would be boxed in the middle of all of them, forced to fly a predestined route. I could not enjoy the wind as I do on Earth. I remember that first feeling of true flight when Robin told me there were no restrictions about it here on Earth. No one would tell me I could not fly. I went flying and I did not return for many hours.

There were many things here on Earth I found fascinating. How cotton candy could disappear in your mouth. How they could experience so many emotions and no one would stop them. How affection and friendship and care do not make them weak. How television works. Fireworks. Chocolate. Ice-cream. Table manners. Movies. Motorcycles. Puppy dogs. Mustard. Words of slang. How people could wear so many clothes.


I lived a hero's life; should I not receive my share of hero's kisses?

For Touch by Ariana (

Attribution: Cover design by Starflower Hunting. Stock image courtesy of ~Andrei-Oprinca on deviantART.