She has always loved science. When at school she gets the opportunity to be a part of a big science project, with a famous scientist, she applies. She finds out she has been accepted and during the school day is brought into a circle in the middle of a soccer field. Soon, random bystanders run towards one specific target with needles--- syringes full of drugs that make each student pass out. As each child wakes up in the hands of a mass murderer and kidnapper, they realize they must escape or die. But nobody is strong enough to attempt escape. Except our heroine. But then begins the game. This unnamed game is brimming with certain death, danger and pain. And in the middle of nowhere, they are all set loose. The murderer's goal? Find and kill everybody. How will they ever survive?
Well, there you are :)
The cover is entirely legal, as always, but I'm not sure if it's publishable, as I have no idea how to make CreateSpace covers. It is 5x8 proportions, though ^.^