Max just wants his life to go back to normal. He's survived the Tests and he just wishes everything would go away. His life is not normal. He's lost everything, his family, his old life, his girlfriend. He only has his best friend Alex Mason, who wishes everything could be as it was before, except that he could keep what the Tests have given him. Their only hope is defeating the government.
Wren was ripped away from her family and everything she loves. She lost her boyfriend, and her little sister. She may never see them again, unless she keeps fighting. Her only hope is to overthrow the government, and find her family. Along the way she finds a girl called Brooke. Together, they need to stop everything that has happened. They go against the very nature of the law. But will they live till the end or die trying to get there?
Xyloc, for Diamond61899 on NaNo YWP, account here:
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Attribution: Cover design by Starflower Hunting. Images used by request of the author.
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Cover: Xyloc by Diamond61899

About the Designer: Christina
Christina is the name & book covers are the game. I'm also a poet, high school student, & ghost.