
Cover: City of Angels by Juliet Winters

Serenity Thaine has lived for a long, long time, and has made more than her fair share of mistakes. Her entire life has revolved around fighting a "holy war" she doesn't even understand and keeping her all-too-mortal family safe--until her best friend's daughter attempts to kill her. Then Serenity takes the war into her own hands. She time travels back to meet the "god" her people follow, but there's a problem: he's a little more human than she expected, and needs a lot more help than anyone knows.

For City of Angels by Juliet Winters (http://ywp.nanowrimo.org/user/440793).

Attribution: Cover design by Starflower Hunting. Stock images courtesy of *insomnia-stock (http://insomnia-stock.deviantart.com) and ~FractalAngel-Stock (http://fractalangel-stock.deviantart.com) on deviantART.