
Cover: Daybreak by Daybreak101

The United States is in a chaotic and divisive state. After a tie in the 2024 presidential election, civil war has broken out and there is no one to run the country. Tensions are running high and neighbor is turning against neighbor, friend against friend, and even family against family. It is all sixteen-year-old Ariana can do to stay safe in her home of Washington, D.C. However, the girl who was once afraid to speak in class is about to get more involved in the future of her country than she ever imagined, and there are those who will stop at nothing to stop her.

For Daybreak by Daybreak101 on NaNo YWP (http://ywp.nanowrimo.org/user/888936). I wasn't sure if you wanted an author name. 

Attribution: Cover design by Starflower Hunting. Public domain image from Pixabay.