A girl called Paris has a special ability that nobody has: she can see the future and knows exactly what is going to happen to her. She sees the future in her dreams, while she's asleep. One day, she knows that her pet dog, Scarlett is going to die by getting hit by a bus. Paris tries to find a way to save her dog's life, but as she is trying to save her dog, she finds out that if she tries to save her dog, Paris is going to get hit by the bus instead. But she meets another person who has the same ability as Paris - they can see the future, too. And her adventure begins...
For Seeing the Future by Nanao Urata.
I made two. The first one is more elegant, but the second one is more cutesy, focused on the dog aspect of it as well.
The attribution for both is the same.
Attribution: Cover design by Starflower Hunting. Stock image courtesy of ZELDONA AT MELLOWMINT at LIVEJOURNAL.