Arin Edie Cogswell has never heard a sound in her life - in all her twelve years, five months, and six days. She's never heard the birds chirping, never heard the sound of the ocean waves. She's never even heard her own voice. Her parents try to help, but really, they don't understand her. Therefore, without sounds, Arin Edie makes use with art. Art is her refuge, art is pretty much the only thing she thinks she's good at. So when Mrs. Sapir, a friendly neighbor, enters one of Arin Edie's artwork into a contest and she wins, Arin Edie's happy. But just when things start to perk up a bit, someone has to ruin it. And, well, sometimes there are just those obstacles in life that you need a little help overcoming.
For In a World of My Own by Anna Chiang (
Attribution: Cover design by Starflower Hunting. Girl stock courtesy of *Eirian-stock on deviantART ( Countryside stock courtesy of =CathleenTarawhiti on deviantART (