
Cover: Finding the Stars by Melissa Epifano

The media warped her perception, the words ruined what she saw in the mirror and the pictures made food seem like poison. For Brynlee the only thing that mattered in the world was being thin. She's sucked into the dark world of eating disorders and then consumed into the world of alcohol and drugs to escape her thoughts. She's pushed to suicide, and ready to die until she meets Ryan. A guy who clearly doesn't give a damn about anything. When Ryan begins to talk to her, Brynlee starts to see light in the eternal darkness she's so used too and love begins to blossom. But when a head on collision happens Brynlee is in for a turn of events.

For Finding the Stars by Melissa Epifano (

Attribution: Cover design by Starflower Hunting. Stock image courtesy of ~Gilliann on deviantART (