
Cover: The Missing Elements - Book One - Fire by Marie Divine

Wayne and Starr are two teenagers living in the 1700s. They have been enemies since they first laid eyes on each other, as infants. Little do they know, that the reason they hate each other reaches back thousands of years, from a heritage they don't know they have. A heritage of magic and danger and royalty.

The world in which they live has two kinds of people. The humans, and the Elements. Not only is there Fire, Water, Earth, and Air, there is Wind, and Moonlight, and even Shadow. Each Element has a species of Guardian, with powers over their element. The most powerful are Fire and Water, two clans that have been warring since the beginning of Time, with the opressed Shadow clans' corrupted leaders plotting to use their enmity to ruin them. Now, Starr's and Wayne's hidden heritage comes back to hunt them, and they must make a choice: Join, or die.

For The Missing Elements - Book One - Fire by Marie Divine (

Attribution: Cover design by Starflower Hunting. Public domain image from Pixabay.