
Cover: Lies by Rachael Le

Cimorelli Winters is the rich child of Acacia and Henry Winters. Cimorelli's family seems to be made up of high-status wealthy people, but what lies behind the makeup and the mask? And what happens when a mother goes missing and two girls follow in her tracks? Find out as Cimorelli and her best friend Daniella travel the world, following her every move. Why is Cimorelli's mother running? Dark secrets lie behind the mask.

For Lies by Rachael Le (http://ywp.nanowrimo.org/user/578996).

Attribution: Cover design by Starflower Hunting. Cover art courtesy of ~NaomiFaMi on deviantART (http://naomifami.deviantart.com/).

I was specifically asked to use this art (it's a wonderful photomanipulation, by the way) and asked the deviant for permission. So there shouldn't be any copyright issues... I hope...