
Cover: Once Upon a Time by Solveig Edlund-Asplund

Claire lives in a small town with her brother where her mother works as a maid for a wealthy family. Claire has a normal life, girl problems, and high school drama. Until one day when her mother falls ill and she is forced to take her place as a maid. A month goes by and strange things happen that leave Claire dumbfounded. But soon, as all the clues line up, Claire has to admit the impossible. Fairy tales aren't just stories. Things soon get out of control and she realizes that she has to take matters into her own hands.

For Once Upon a Time by Solveig Edlund-Asplund (http://ywp.nanowrimo.org/user/949155).

Attribution: Cover design by Starflower Hunting. Stock texture courtesy of Andrea Koupal on deviantART.

I had this awesome fantasy texture pack and lo and behold! I found a texture with the words "once upon a time" on it. I jumped at the chance to be lazy, of course, and added a few embellishments. Hope that's good! :D