
Cover: Anna by Daisy Wilson

Anna's father died in the past, but then her mother falls ill and has the same fate as her father. Soon Anna and her three siblings must go and live with a nasty woman that wants nothing to do with them. Anna and her brothers and sisters run away, hoping they will find a better home in the forest, but only a worse fate meets them there than back with their nasty guardian.

For Anna by Daisy Wilson (http://ywp.nanowrimo.org/user/856707).

Attribution: Cover design by Starflower Hunting. Stock image courtesy of *liam-stock on deviantART (http://liam-stock.deviantart.com/). "Anna" font courtesy of ~KeepWaiting on deviantART (http://keepwaiting.deviantart.com/).

This is where I uncover the enormous, wonderful photo editing potential of... Microsoft Word 2010! GAH! I really had no idea about this, but I downloaded this beautiful font and put it in and then... I could do stuff with it! Like text effects! It was awesome!

The author text is not my best, though ... *smiles sheepishly*