
Cover: Starsingers by Daisy Wilson

Carly is the popular girl at school. Everybody likes her and she has multiple choices to choose from for every school dance. But when she comes home one day and no one is there to greet her, she gets scared and worried. Soon she finds a note on the table from a mysterious person saying that if Carly ever wants to see her family again she will have to enchant three major stars and give them to him - only then will she get her family back. But can Carly do it in time to save her family?

For Starsingers by Daisy Wilson (http://ywp.nanowrimo.org/user/856707).

Attribution: Cover design by Starflower Hunting. Stock image courtesy of ~Valentine-FOV-Stock on deviantART (http://valentine-fov-stock.deviantart.com/).

I don't know if this was the genre feel you wanted me to go for, but as soon as you described the image you wanted I thought of this. And it's very nice, you know? I'd been dying to use it for ages. The font is, yes, somewhat overused, but imagine my surprise when I applied this random effect and the text went all pretty! :) Hope you like it!